Having a psychic encounter…

Have you ever wondered, “How does it all work?  How does she do it?”  Not in regards to Mary Poppins (although that would be fun to know!), but me, Jennifer Comfort?  Once more, a story…

When I come to your house, I like to talk to you and have you give me a tour of your home.  You may think the tour is only for the purpose of showing me what we are working on, which it is, but it also has a SECRET value.  What?  A secret?  What is this girl talking about?!

My color/design recommendations are based mainly on your personality.  By walking and talking together, I am learning about who you are and what you like.  So I look at what you are showing me, but I also listen to what you are saying – and what you are not saying.

Once the meet and greet is out of the way, I walk back through the rooms and decide what would look best in each – all while channeling my inner “you.”  I imagine the color and design that will make you the happiest and most comfortable in each space.

Then I show you and see what you think.  I pride myself in only being tied to making you insanely happy – if that means working with the orange shag rug you love and the lime green couch you adore – consider them worked in!  Once you are happy with everything, my work is done.

If we are painting, I recommend that you buy wet paint samples and put them on the wall to make sure that you like everything once you see it on a larger scale.  Then we move forward!

So there it is in a nutshell… If I have worked with you in the past, you know all about the “psychic encounter.”  If not, call me so that we can give it a go!

Image by Julia Kuzenkov


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